The Medusa question: "Is Green growth possible?"

The Medusa question: "Is Green growth possible?"


Rostow: 5 stages of growth (21st century update)

  1. Traditional society
  2. Preconditions for take-off
  3. Take-off
  4. Drive to maturity
  5. Age of high mass-consumption Preparation for landing
  6. Arrival

"Keep on flying passengers"

economic growth is still necessary - and so it must be possible

"Prepare for landing passengers"

economic growth is no longer possible - and so it cannot be necessary

Addictions to overcome:

From flying an aircraft to kitesurfing

Storm the citadels!

Links shared by Indra

Our conversation at some point touched on the topic of shareholder engagement. A large debate will be organized in Maastricht between Maastricht University, Fossil Free Maastricht and ABP on the question of engagement versus divestment. ABP is the mandatory pension fund for all Dutch public servants and is heavily invested in environmentally destructive fossil fuel companies. I am involved with Fossil Free and in realizing this debate. Here is more information on the event:

Divestment Versus Engagement: Investments in the Fossil Fuel Industry.

I also watched this great TED talk on "enoughness" and bought her photobook (now on discount) about indigenous communities around the world engaged in sustainable living. Great coincidence, also that Rieta mentioned "enough".